The Role of the School Library in the 21st Century
When I was being interviewed for a new position in a public library, one of the questions being asked is what I thought was the future of...
The five myths of makerspace
Many makerspaces having been popping up in the school learning commons over the past few years. What is the purpose of these makerspaces...
The education shift @ your school library
Many schools and school boards have dropped or lowered amount of staff in the school library. Many of us in the field are asking why and...
New Book now available
"Creating a Learning Commons for the 21st Century with Design Thinking" is now available to those schools who need help with:...
Healthy Snack Survey
Students will take a survey of their class's favourite healthy snack. They will then make a bar graph on the Lego Wall with the results...
Speaking Teamwork
Students are encourage to record their experiences and knowledge on teamwork or being a team player. Giving students examples of how to...
Learning Environments
Students and staff at St Gabriel enjoy a Learning Commons with collaboration zones, individual space, makerspace, genius bar, recording...
Think with the 4 Cs
Students are reminded to think critically, creatively, collaborate and communicate when completing work, working with others and...
New Restorative Circle Zone
Classes and students are welcome to come to this new area to work out difference and share experiences. A speaking staff helps everyone...
New Database: Insignia
With switching to Insignia, many ebooks are now available! Try out our new database today. #ebooks